Thanks for all your suggestions so far. It has taken longer than anticipated to get things migrated and stable.
We are exploring brining the general forum back and we want to invite the community to part of a closed Beta to gather feedback on the setup.
We are hoping to get circa 10 people to be involved. If you would like to help shape what the new N4G Forum will be please do reply to this and I will reach out to get you set up.
NB - I will be updating the Roadmap next week with items that we will be working on in the coming months.
1 year ago
Thanks for all your suggestions so far. It has taken longer than anticipated to get things migrated and stable.
We are exploring brining the general forum back and we want to invite the community to part of a closed Beta to gather feedback on the setup.
We are hoping to get circa 10 people to be involved. If you would like to help shape what the new N4G Forum will be please do reply to this and I will reach out to get you set up.
NB - I will be updating the Roadmap next week with items that we will be working on in the coming months.
1 1 year ago Reply
We need this back so users can actually speak freely.
1 2 years ago Reply